Welcome Message
Dear Students and Families,
Welcome to 1 st Grade! I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you and your family, and I’m
looking forward to a happy and productive school year. We will certainly be Busy Bees! There is a lot
of information to learn about 1 st grade in the fall, so I will just share with you what is important now.
You will receive the Summer Reading and Worksheet packet. Research has shown that lower
elementary students in particular experience what is known as the “summer slide”. When children
take time off from reading and math, skills are lost and time will be needed to reteach those skills. First
grade is the year children learn how to read and we want them to begin with the skills they learned in
kindergarten. I will hold students accountable to turn in their packets during Open House or the first
day of school to attend the Summer Math and Reading Carnival held in September.
A list of books is provided as suggestions. ANY books can be read. Please have the students fill out
their own reading logs. Have a goal of at least 10 books. Encourage reading where ever you can-
reading the menu at the restaurant, reading street signs when traveling, or recipes in the kitchen.
Make time each day for an opportunity to “family read” and read along with your child. Even think
about your own Reading Log to do alongside with your child.
The list of the 100 Fry words is offered as well. These are words that children learn through
memorization. Review them as much as possible this summer. Make it fun-write them in the sand or
make a game. These will be some of the words on our first few spelling tests.
I have prepared our class supply list if you would like to get ahead of back-to-school shopping. There
are a few wish list items shown if you would like to help out. After Christmas, I will contact anyone if
their child needs any supplies refilled.
Upcoming school events you should be aware of include
Open House- August 29th, 1-3 PM
Back to School Night- September 5th, 6:30 PM
Summer Reading and Math Carnival- September 20th, 2 PM
Please mark those dates on your calendar. Studies show that parental involvement in a child’s
education is one of the strongest indicators of student achievement. We hope you will make it a
priority this year to attend as many school-sponsored events as possible. Please remember that all
families are responsible for 30 volunteer hours for our St. Francis school community. Script cards can
be used towards this as well. Please reach out if you have any questions about volunteer
opportunities or the Script program.
Once again, welcome to 1 st grade- the most awesome grade in the school! Let’s work together to
make this the best year ever!
Mrs. Perry
Welcome to First Grade! I am so excited to be a part of the SFDSCS family! My name is Laura Perry. I have taught art to grades PreK-5 for 17 years in Somerset County. I have a Bachelor of Fine Art from Salisbury University. My educational journey leads me to the University of Maryland to obtain my Masters in the Art of Teaching. I have a specialization in Special Education and Reading. I am a certified Maryland educator licensed in K-12 Art and Elementary Grades 1-6. I believe in lifelong learning and have countless extra hours in education classes. I will soon complete my second master’s program to be a Certified and Licensed Art Therapist.
Welcome Message
Dear Students and Families,
Welcome to 1 st Grade! I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you and your family, and I’m
looking forward to a happy and productive school year. We will certainly be Busy Bees! There is a lot
of information to learn about 1 st grade in the fall, so I will just share with you what is important now.
You will receive the Summer Reading and Worksheet packet. Research has shown that lower
elementary students in particular experience what is known as the “summer slide”. When children
take time off from reading and math, skills are lost and time will be needed to reteach those skills. First
grade is the year children learn how to read and we want them to begin with the skills they learned in
kindergarten. I will hold students accountable to turn in their packets during Open House or the first
day of school to attend the Summer Math and Reading Carnival held in September.
A list of books is provided as suggestions. ANY books can be read. Please have the students fill out
their own reading logs. Have a goal of at least 10 books. Encourage reading where ever you can-
reading the menu at the restaurant, reading street signs when traveling, or recipes in the kitchen.
Make time each day for an opportunity to “family read” and read along with your child. Even think
about your own Reading Log to do alongside with your child.
The list of the 100 Fry words is offered as well. These are words that children learn through
memorization. Review them as much as possible this summer. Make it fun-write them in the sand or
make a game. These will be some of the words on our first few spelling tests.
I have prepared our class supply list if you would like to get ahead of back-to-school shopping. There
are a few wish list items shown if you would like to help out. After Christmas, I will contact anyone if
their child needs any supplies refilled.
Upcoming school events you should be aware of include
Open House- August 29th, 1-3 PM
Back to School Night- September 5th, 6:30 PM
Summer Reading and Math Carnival- September 20th, 2 PM
Please mark those dates on your calendar. Studies show that parental involvement in a child’s
education is one of the strongest indicators of student achievement. We hope you will make it a
priority this year to attend as many school-sponsored events as possible. Please remember that all
families are responsible for 30 volunteer hours for our St. Francis school community. Script cards can
be used towards this as well. Please reach out if you have any questions about volunteer
opportunities or the Script program.
Once again, welcome to 1 st grade- the most awesome grade in the school! Let’s work together to
make this the best year ever!
Mrs. Perry
Upcoming Events
- This Week's Homework://
- Instructions
- monday
- tuesday
- wednesday
- thursday
- friday
To view archived homework please select the week from the list.
Uniform Guidelines