BeforeCare and AfterCare Services

St. Francis’s BeforeCare and AfterCare Program:

Before and After School Hours, The Learning Doesn’t Stop

As busy working parents, you want to make sure your children are in a caring, supporting environment. At St. Francis, we continue the learning in our daily before-school and after-school child care program. Students stay on school grounds and have time to work on homework and participate in a number of other fun, instructional activities.

Things to know about St. Francis de Sales Before and After School Care Program

  1. Our program is licensed by the State of Maryland Child Care Center.
  2. The School area licensed is the cafeteria area.
  3. We operate from 7:00 am to 8:00 am for before-care and 3:10 pm to 5:30 pm for after-care.
  4. Parents should pick up their child no later than 5:30 pm for after-care. An additional fee of $5.00 will be charged per five minutes late.
  5. Parents should expect to be charged for the number of days they have indicated their children will attend.  This total also includes any day(s) of absence. If you have registered your child on a particular day that another activity becomes planned, please note that your bill will reflect payment for the number of days you initially select in your agreement.  Yet, as a statement of policy, any changes requested to your child’s schedule must be presented to the Aftercare Director.
  6. Weekly payment is the most convenient payment method. To pay online please click here.
  7. The cost of the before-care program is $5.00 per day for registered participants and $10.00 per day for any registered “drop-in” students. The cost of the after-care program is $10.00 per day for registered participants and $15.00 per day for any registered “drop-in” students.
  8. As an SFdS policy, the School Hall/Cafeteria area is arranged to serve as the primary location for the before-care and after-care program.  This area is used by the program from 7:00 am to 8:00 am and then again from 3:10pm to 5:30pm on those days that the aftercare service has been made available to our families. 
  9. A child present at the program should remain there until a parent or person authorized by the parent picks him/her up.
  10. A child who is in the program and is required by a teacher either for a test or any other task shall be picked up by the teacher and no one else.
  11. Your child is expected to have all the materials necessary for homework or to take home that evening.  Thus, there should be no need to leave the program area for class-related items located elsewhere on campus.
  12. All Drop-Ins are required to complete an APPLICATION, EMERGENCY FORM, and HEALTH INVENTORY in order to receive service. The cost for a Drop-In student is $10.00 for before-care and  $15.00 for after-care each day.
  13. Students not registered in the before-care and after-care program, should not be in the program area from 7:00 am to 8:00 am and then again from 3:10 pm to 5:30 pm.

If you have any questions concerning all the above, please ask Mrs. Hall, the Early Childhood Director, at Remember, your child is very important to us!

Forms and Documents:

Have A Question? Let Us Know!


Kathleen Hall
Kathleen Hall Early Childhood Director
Amy Cordrey
Amy Cordrey Early Childhood Assistant Director
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