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Your Gift Benefits Today’s Students

And Creates A Brighter Future For Future Students

The St. Francis de Sales Annual Fund is an opportunity for alumni, parents, faculty, staff, parishioners, and community supporters who value Catholic education to make school donations that make a real impact on St. Francis de Sales Catholic School, both now and in the future. Donations to the SFdS Annual Fund are used to:

  • keep tuition affordable
  • encourage excellence in education through improved recruitment and retention
  • provide needed improvements in technology and student materials

Gifts to the SFdS Annual Fund, no matter how large or small, help us to sustain programs and activities that are not covered by tuition. The most important factor is participation-no matter what level of commitment. Our supporters’ loyalty sends an incredible message of confidence to our current and future school community. Our hope and prayers are that you are pleased with the exciting things that are taking place here on campus, and with your help, we can continue this momentum together as we advance the mission of SFdS Catholic School.


From The Parents...

" I have been both a parent ,friend and volunteer At St Francis since 1975 when my first son entered kindergarten . There have been so many wonderful caring talented teachers connected with St. Francis De Sales over the years. The faculty principal and support staff at the school are truly amazing . Their dedication and hard work this year considering the circumstances. — it’s just mind blowing. Thank you for everything you do for our school and the community at large"

The Busy Beak

See what's going on in with the academic and extracurricular activities of our Penguins!

This Week @
ST. Francis
De Sales

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We have a few more open seats in our Middle School! Call for a private tour: 410-749-9907

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