School Uniforms
In accordance with the St. Francis de Sales Catholic School Student Handbook, school uniforms must be purchased through Lands’ End or from the HSA uniform store. All students must be in the complete, required school uniform unless otherwise designated by the school administration. Please note that effective in the school year 2020-2021, all students MUST be in the new school uniform.
Lands’ End
There are two options for buying uniforms from Lands’ End: online or by phone.
- Go to the Lands’ End School Uniform page and create a new account or sign in to your existing account.
- Designate SFdS as your Preferred School (Number: 900185752).
- Create a profile for each student in your household, including grade level and gender.
- Start shopping with your personalized shopping checklist.
By Phone
Call Lands’ End at 1-800-469-2222 and reference our Preferred School Number 900185752, grade level, and gender. A team of consultants is available for assistance from 7:00 am to 11:00 PM CST, 7 days a week, 364 days a year.
HSA Uniform Store
Periodically, the HSA uniform store opens its doors to families looking to buy used uniforms. Please follow our Facebook page, and keep an eye on our school newsletter for dates and times that the HSA uniform store is open.
If you have used uniforms that you would like to donate to the uniform store, we have a good amount of families that could benefit from this program. Please consider donating them in exchange for HSA uniform store credit. You can drop them off at the school office or contact the HSA Vice President, If you would like to receive credit for uniforms you have dropped off, include a completed copy of the SFdS Uniform Credit Voucher with your uniforms.
Uniform Requirements
Choose from the options below to learn about the required uniforms for each grade and season.

Boys/Girls Fall & Spring Uniform
Pre-K3, Pre-K4 & Kindergarten
- gray t-shirt with shield logo
- maroon mesh gym shorts
- white socks
- athletic shoes