
Thank you all so much for working so hard and diligently to make this new and different school year a success under the current circumstances. I am blown away and so very proud to be a part of this community.

Jen T.

Best investment we ever made...our children!

Teresa Pusey

Thank You Principal Mrs. Traum and all the SFdS staff. It has been an unusual past 3 months but we as a school family are so lucky to have had such continued strong academics and school spirit during this time. We are so thankful for the 8th Grade ceremony and being able to celebrate theses graduate

Sara H.

The Triglia/Trader family is a 3 generation alumni from SFDS. Our family has been strengthened spiritually, academically and morally throughout the years since my oldest sister attended the first graduating class back in the day. Now I am pleased to say that my son and daughter in law have their two sons, my grandchildren attending as well. I am so thankful to God for our school. We are so blessed to have these fine teachers amongst us to carry on the Sisters of Mercy hard work. The world has sustained some trying times since my oldest sister graduated and our wonderful school has survived and it will survive these times. I remember getting in the school bus (yes we had one bus driven by Mr.Williams to pick up Delmar and Laurel students) when we heard the sad news of President Kennedy’s assassination, preparing us through drills for fear of nuclear war, etc etc. these times are what made us strong and united. (So remember that when you are saddened because your kids have to wear a mask) In yet the annual May processions crowning our mother Mary, the beautiful first Communion processions and proud Confirmations our forever in our memories as well! We have grown to be successful executives, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs buy most importantly dedicated parents, loving grandparents and good human beings. The best investment you can give your children is the gift of a SFDS education!!!! My son will tell you at 40 years old that the foundation that was built for him during the St. Francis de Sales school years is what made him the man he is today. So blessed for our school. Thank you FatherChris LaBarge for continuing the legacy of msgr Stout and thank you Mrs. Traum and our wonderful faculty for continuing the stellar academic education of the wonderful nuns including Sr Maura. God bless our school!

Theresa Trader

I was a student, a mother of a St. Francis student & now a Grandma to these students. I love this school & its fantastic staff. So many beautiful bonds of friendship & caring have been formed over the years. Keep up the great work St. Francis

Janice Mcfadden

These teachers have done an amazing job! Proud to be a alum penguin with a 2nd gen penguin there as well!

Janet Talley

The Principal Francis De Sales, Teachers and Staff at St. Francis de Sales Catholic School are an amazing group of compassionate educators, who treat each of the students as the talented individuals that they are.

Michele Garigliano

I have been both a parent ,friend and volunteer At St Francis since 1975 when my first son entered kindergarten . There have been so many wonderful caring talented teachers connected with St. Francis De Sales over the years. The faculty principal and support staff at the school are truly amazing . Their dedication and hard work this year considering the circumstances. — it’s just mind blowing. Thank you for everything you do for our school and the community at large

Virginia Lawrence

Thank you for providing exceptional religious & STREAMS education to Paige & Connor. We found this nurturing environment laid a perfect foundation for them to be successful in high school & beyond. 

Mike & Beth Jansen

I love this school! My husband went to school here when he was a kid and spoke so highly of it that I took a tour to see if it was a good fit for our first son and 3 years later both our son's go here and they love it too!! I would recommend this school to anyone!!

Jennifer Cronin Kirtland

I only went there for one year but it left a lasting impact on my life. 10/10 do recommend

Alexa Caldwell

St. Francis de Sales Catholic School is an amazing school. In addition to providing an excellent curriculum, the setting is warm and inviting. Sfds offers a wide range of sports, as well as clubs, choir and band. The children attend daily religion classes and attend mass once a week. There are Christmas plays and an 8th grade musical. From reading carnivals to field days, Sfds is truly a well-rounded school. St. Francis has been a blessing to our family. My father was in the very first class at the school and graduated in 1959. I graduated from St. Francis in 1984. My daughter will graduate this Sunday. My son will graduate in three years. St. Francis has an incredible staff, and the whole school community feels like family. I only wish the school had grades 9-12. Our graduating class is awesome. My daughter has made friends to last a lifetime and has received a quality education. We could not be more pleased. St. Francis has wonderful school spirit. Once a penguin, always a penguin. Penguin Pride Lives Here!

April M. Brilliant

We came down from Baltimore County to attend Grandparents' Day. It was wonderful. It was such a nice prayer service. The lunch was delicious and the book fair fulfilled Noah's wants and needs. Very nice and I am so glad my grandson attends pre-k. Hopefully, we wii have many more days like this at St. Francis deSales.

Sharon Foster Duerbeck

It is a wonderful school!

Tina Perrotta

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